Joy Is More

For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Romans 14:17

Joy is the key to more. That’s why the bible says in Isaiah 12:3 “Therefore with joy you will draw water From the wells of salvation.” There are certain liberties in the spirit that can only be unlocked through joy. The joy I’m talking about is beyond being happy. Happiness is without, but joy is from within. This joy can only be found in the Holy Spirit. One man can be happy because everything is working out for him, but another man can be joyful in the midst of the storm. It is better to have little with joy than plenty with strife Proverbs 17:1. This only means that little with joy is the pathway to increase, it’s just a matter of time!

Holy Express

Read Genesis 26, Isaac was prosperous and very great, no man quarrelled with him over his cattle or harvest, but conflict arose every time he dug a well. A well here is quite significant because his prosperity was dependent on it. Water from the well is what Isaac would use to water his seeds and cattle, without water, he wouldn’t have become as prosperous.

Spiritually, the enemy knows that he cannot stop God from blessing man, but he can stop man from drawing the blessings. Without joy, it is difficult to receive what is freely given to you by God. Following Isaac’s example, it is better to walk away from strife and look weak, than to fight back and miss God. Anything that will cost you the presence of God is too expensive. Remember, Joy is more…

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